Get Involved
We would love to have you as a docent, one of the volunteer staff members who help visitors experience the museum. You can learn more about it here.
If you prefer to help the museum in other ways, let us know how you'd like to help! Contact the museum to learn what's available. No obligation. bellavistamuseum@gmail.com or 479-855-2335.
Donate Items
We are always happy to accept items, papers and books that are related to Bella Vista's fascinating history. If you prefer to keep an item rather than donate it, we can scan or copy the item and return it to you.
Share Memories
If you grew up in Bella Vista, our Oral History Project would love to interview you. Your experiences and memories would add greatly to our knowledge of what our community was like in the past.
Donate Funds
We are a small, nonprofit museum, so we rely on donations to keep us open. Please consider donating some money to fund our continued operations. We are a 501(c)(3) organization, so all donations are tax-deductible.